Tuesday, August 18, 2015

25 Things About Me for 25 Years

Hi there!  As a newbie blogger, I thought it would be a fun way to further introduce myself with an about me post.  So here we go, I’m sharing 25 things about me for my 25 years of life!

1. I was born in Waco, Texas in February of 1990.

2. My family moved to Kansas in 1995, when my parents decided to relocate their cattle business.  From that point forward I became a Kansas girl, but I’d like to think I still have some southern roots-- primarily when it comes to cooking, baking and entertaining guests.

3. My parents were married in 1976, and they are still going strong!  

4. I am the baby of the family with two older brothers.  I am also the third “Dee” in our family.  My full name is Laura Dee Vaughn (Sweet).  My dad is Robbie Dee Sweet Jr., and his dad was the Sr.  We plan to keep “Dee” going with one of our kids too!

5. I was raised on a working farm and cattle ranch both in Texas and Kansas.  My parents own and operate a Holstein growing facility, which they expanded upon our move to Kansas.  Growing up I didn’t appreciate the peacefulness of country living, but now I completely do.

6. Both of my siblings and I are graduates of the University of Kansas (Rock Chalk!).

7. My husband, Chase and I are high school sweethearts.  We’ve been together for nine years and almost married for two!  Our anniversary is September 28.  Our first “date” was Halloween, junior year of high school, and we watched a movie in his parent’s basement. (#typicalhighschooldate)

8. Sweet tea is always the way to go.

9. I am an avid google searcher.  Anytime I don’t know the answer to something or want more facts about a topic, I begin my search.  Chase is the same way also.

10. Chase is the funniest person I know.  I LOVE when I get HIM hysterically laughing because so much of my time is spent smiling because of him.

11. I watch reality TV (Housewives, Flipping Out, Keeping Up With the Kardashians) and binge watch Netflix (Orange is the New Black, Parenthood and now a fan of Greys Anatomy and Scandal).

12. Watching my husband around our nieces and nephews makes my heart flutter and thoroughly look forward to the day we add a +1 to our little family.

13. I’m not a coffee drinker, but I do like the occasional iced coffee or hot drink.

14. I love to cook, bake, try new recipes for both food and home products, entertain, DIY and tend to our home.

15. I enjoy almost all music, but 95% of the time, you will hear me listening to rap while I'm in my car.

16. I took eight years of piano lessons growing up (I was decent at the time) but today can only play a few notes and Chopsticks.

17. I could eat Tex-Mex food every day.  But, I don't think you can beat a good southern comfort meal.

18. We enjoy traveling, even if it is just running to Colorado for the weekend, a spontaneous road trip or a planned extended vacation, but nothing ever beats getting back home.

19. I have a journalism degree (strategic communications: advertising and public relations) from KU, but I don’t work in that field.

20. I wish I was more artistic.

21. I converted Chase to KU basketball but now he’s the main person in the household to get worked up during games.

22. We have a golden retriever named Maci, and she fits so well into our family.  Tied perfectly around her neck, Maci is who carried my engagement ring to me the night Chase proposed.

23. I would love to open a bakery/farm-to-table small restaurant but our area is limited for success in that area.

24. I love decorating for holidays, and I love our little home, but I do look forward to the day we have more space.

25. I could not imagine doing life alongside anyone other than Chase, and I love the life we’re building together.

I hope you enjoyed getting to know a little more about me, and maybe we have some things in common! 

For my next post, I’m sharing one of our favorite week night meals-- a Tex-Mex pasta dish!  It's simple and can easily be made for a family of two or ten!


  1. These are fun posts! I love learning about other bloggers (in a not creepy kind of way but hopefully you know what I mean, haha). I'm jealous that you can go to Colorado for the weekend! It's an 8 hour drive for me but I absolutely love it there.

    1. Thanks for stopping by again Megan! I thought the About Me would be a good way to keep going with my introduction, and I plan to link it to my About Me page. I love that Colorado is so close-- Denver is only around 3 hours away, which makes for an easy weekend or sometimes day trip!

  2. Laura, you and chase are adorable. Love this and your sweet blog. Also, I'm headed to find the Tex mex pasta dish next! Yum.

    1. Hi Megan! Thank you for stopping by to comment, and thank you for the sweet compliments! Happy Tuesday and September 1!
